Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Elliot Irons

We got back at 7:45 from a very chilly, sort of disappointing baseball game last night, and though I have a yucky cold and wanted to go to bed, I decided to help Elliot with the quilt block he's sewing. I wouldn't let him use the rotary cutter over the weekend because I couldn't supervise him (and I really value each and every one of his fingers), so he traced triangles onto the back of his fabric scraps and cut each one out with scissors. He was a little disgruntled about the labor; he thinks that everything goes very quickly for me just because I have the right tools at my disposal....

The big development is that Elliot got to use my heavy iron for the first time. *Everything* about the experience was new for him, so I couldn't take anything for granted---for example, he didn't realize that the iron couldn't rest face down on the ironing board. He was also frustrated because he sewed about half of his triangles together on the wrong side (i.e., along the long bias edge, rather than the shorter leg), so he'll have to cut more triangles to get the block he wants. (He, too, has been reading Davina Thomas's 200 Quilt Blocks.)

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